Friday, October 15, 2010

An Embarrassing Situation

Last week I went to lunch with a friend of mine who is a police officer for a local community. He and I have been doing this for several years, and we always alternate who picks up the check. Never had a problem until last week.

He and I went into a new restaurant in the area for lunch. He was wearing his uniform and I had my usual golf shorts on. We were sitting talking after ordering, when a woman, who we can only guess may have been the manager, came up to us. Without hesitation she asked are you both police officers. I politely told her that my friend was the officer and I was the tag along. She then firmly announced that it was the policy of their restaurant to provide free lunch to police, and that she would take care of it. My friend felt uncomfortable, and told her that he would not accept a free lunch. She firmly announced again she would handle it. I told her that since it was my month to pay for our lunch, I would handle the check. She stormed off in a huff.

When the check came, they had taken his lunch off the check. Not wanting to make a scene we left, however, we will not return to the restaurant and I will make sure my other colleagues know how they disrespected the officer's wishes in this matter.

If you want to know where the restaurant is located; Highway 377 in Keller, TX. It is a Tex-Mex restaurant.

Any thoughts.

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